Spring Cleaning And The Winter Coat

It seems that it has been the time of year for spring cleaning recently. And I do mean that recently as in the past fortnight or so and not ‘September’ when the rest of the southern hemisphere welcomes in the season. One would normally assume I guess that you should undertake this sort of endeavour at the beginning of springtime, but no, I have only really managed it at the end. I think I’m more a better late than never kind of girl as opposed to the early bird catches the worm sort of person. In any case, at work, at home and in my car (my alternate living space at times), things have been getting a bit of a dust up and a clean out and they are looking better than they have in a while. Given that my car has also had a service I am assuming it is running better as well (although I am a total ‘girl’ about matters automotive so all I ‘know’ is I am now a couple of hundred dollars poorer). I think it’d be great if the rest of life was that easy to spruce up.
With relatively little effort you can clean away dirt with soap and water. You can update the wallpaper and hangings with a new outfit and some accessories, you can slap on a new coat of paint with some polish and you can do renovations creating a new foundation with wax and scissors. You can also just throw out anything that’s taking up too much space in your wardrobe. Not so simple to change or get rid of however is that pesky habit of waiting for something to fail, the residual irritation over a situation that ticked you off, the tendency to analyse life more than living it or any other ‘possession’ that might be considered as baggage that is merely weighing you down. All the little things (and I guess for some of us there are big things too) that might be stopping you from having that awesome life with your perfect match. The things we are well aware we could do without and would be happy to shed like an extra layer.
A lot of that seems to be going round at the moment actually. The delayering I mean. As the weather is heating up in Sydney, the clothes are definitely coming off. Girls are back in little skirts and summer dresses and I’ve even had to buy a pair of shorts. That’s big for me. I have also been shedding my own winter coat – molting like theres no tomorrow. Its not particularly pretty but as any female with long hair (or any friend of a female with long hair) will tell you, we unintentionally leave traces of ourselves all over the place, especially coming into summer. Couches, beds, floors, clothes and it seems even places where we haven’t been sometimes. We all do this actually but with long hair its obvious. I usually start to wonder with the evidence before me why on earth I’m not bald yet. I’m not however, I have an awful lot to lose. But that’s neither here nor there really. Its not even particularly relevant. I was just pondering the fact that some things are so much easier to get rid of than others.