Better Late Than Never

I always did my best work under pressure at school. I was the student that crammed before the test and pulled all nighters to finish my assignments. As much as there is the side of me that is super anal ie. when I turn into the cupboard door Nazi (I firmly believe that the kitchen cupboards should remain shut when you are not taking something out or putting something back in), there is a side of me that is creative and unorganised and tends to leave a path of destruction in its wake. Or a disgruntled fiancé. A case in point would be our wedding favours. About six months ago I was giving these a cursory thought as I googled for ideas and possibilities. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted food, toys, something cute or perhaps something that was useful. I now want all four. Separately. But given together. Just to be complicated. Since the budget has already flown out the window I figured whats a little more where that came from and I got the idea of a mixed bag of goodies.
My goodies aren’t random though. Not completely. They all represent something that I think is important to have in a relationship. So even if you aren’t married, the gift would still kinda have meaning. Something I always wanted. We’re currently trying to make the idea fly though so I don’t really want to list the items yet but I thought they would be an awesome favour that could either be given to a couple together or to a single person along with an escort card. Which was another late idea. I had already established that I couldn’t be bothered seating people any more specifically than at a certain table (and I don’t think The Boy really cares about this either) so I was all ready to have a printed list of names against tables until I saw some cool escort cards. There is no reason to list all the guests on one sheet of paper when there are so many more time consuming and inventive ways of advising friends and family which table they happen to be sitting at during the meal. Just as there is no reason why I shouldn’t print out and fold individual menus for each of my guests even though the venue would print out free menus for each table as part of the package...
This was my third “great idea” that The Boy was very quick to assure me that I would be responsible for putting together on my own because he wouldn’t even know how. This was ok though because of all my ideas, this one was probably the easiest for me to get my head around. It took me a couple of hours and a bit of trial and error but I finally got everything placed just so in an image so that when I print it out and fold it together, it works. I got the menu idea off one of the random blogs I have been stalking for unique ideas and whilst the finished product doesn’t really fit any sort of theme other than “Stuff I Like”, that was really good enough for me. So now I am trying to think up other ways of getting coolness into our day without upsetting the apple cart and frustrating The Boy. If I had talent, I’d write a song or try and find something inventive for the wedding speech but I think thats just going to end up being fairly traditional. Well, you know, apart from the fact that I’m the Bride of course and they don’t always make speeches but my friends and family know that given the right inspiration I can talk the hind leg off a horse so my saying a few words is really going to surprise no one at all.
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