Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I must say that I’ve been a little stuck for inspiration of late. I’ve been getting a bit tired of the whole dating game, somewhat bored to boot and if I was in Germany I would say that I am full - although the translation doesn’t seem quite as effective in English. Anyway, I did find myself sufficiently motivated to write about a theory I recently heard (which is kind of related to relationships) because it made me laugh and demonstrated what I thought was some lateral thinking.

Basically, it came out of an episode of the BBC series Coupling. One of the guys was advising his friend of the potential faux pas you might encounter when you initially get naked with your partner. He first enumerated on the ‘sock gap’, which he stated many men have fallen victim to in the past. This is the point at which men should remove their socks as well as their pants and shoes but frequently fail to do so leaving them totally, for want of a better word, overdressed (which translated into a dumping offence). He then went on to outline ways of avoiding calling out the wrong name in the heat of the moment (which was also amusing in itself) but it was this that led to an alternative explanation for celebrity marriages.

It seems that the frequency of celebrity marriages can be explained by the amount of people who are fantasising about someone who is not their partner whilst having sex. Because of course everyone does. The explanation went like this:
Well, you know, if you fantasise about someone else during sex and so does your partner, and, you know, those two people that you’re fantasising about happen to meet while you’re still doing it, you know they’re bound to sense something aren’t they? Because they’re connecting on like a virtual plane. So, can you imagine what it was like when Posh first met Beckham? They were the epicentre of a non-stop, nation-wide, virtual shag. Yeah! I mean its no wonder she got pregnant.

And if you think about it, its not such a crazy idea. I’m not prepared to put it out as gospel or anything but I’ve met people who have a lot of faith the Jungian concept of a universal consciousness. This rationale is merely a slightly new spin on it. Its also kind of amusing to imagine people actually tapping into something like that (pretty much because I could see how you could make a piss-take of it, but you get that). I’m sure there are also a lot of celebrities who would like to believe they are not entirely responsible for making bad marital decisions and who knows, stranger things have actually happened.


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