Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Colour Me Sexy

There are a wide variety of experts out there who will tell you that colours are indeed responsible for affecting our moods. They will tell you that pink is a calming colour, good for soothing and promoting affection, orange will stimulate both appetite and conversation and green will help you achieve balance and refreshment. They will also tell you that of all the colours, red is the most sensual and blue, the most relaxing which is perhaps important to know if you’re trying to impress your date or maybe get one.

Apparently, many women are attracted to men who wear blue. This colour is seen to represent stability and dependability within the male population and so for those on the lookout for a long-term relationship, this can only be a good thing. We associate this colour with truth, confidence, trust and security. Although the colour can also be linked to depression, we generally tend to associate it with strength rather than weakness when worn by a man so blue is great to have in the wardrobe. Women on the other hand are advised to stick to the warmer colours if they wish to attract a mate.

Pink and peach are often flattering to the skin and will make the wearer seem more approachable. These tones are also said to project a little vulnerability, which is attractive to most men. On the other hand, if you are no shrinking violet and want someone who is not afraid of a strong woman, then red is your best bet. This is the colour to which we pay the most attention. We associate it with love, desire, danger and violence. This colour can raise your blood pressure and even evoke a fight-or-flight response in some people. Men who are not attracted to strong women will often steer clear of a lady in red however, so be warned.

Of course, despite you personal preferences, you should probably stay away from colours (or shades) that do not actually suit you at all. Depending on your hair colour and skin tone, there will be some hues that will appear unattractive even if they are ‘in’ this season. Also, the colours you wear only make up a small part of the package and will not get you a date on their own. If getting noticed is on your agenda though, or you want to make a specific impression, you should definitely take notice of the shades you wear. Clothes make the man as they say and a picture paints a thousand words so the next time you are trying to decide what to walk out of the house in, why not put your best foot forward.


At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont really know why im writing a comment on this one but i think it was due to the foto of one of the most amazing people i have ever met in my life being at the top of it. as a bonus many of the people who have read this have no idea who it is and ill agree with the whole colors thing because the red dress really does attract alot of attention.
you are so going to wish i never found this after u read my comments i swear



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