Hearts And Flowers

So yes, I ignored most of the hoopla and only belatedly caught up on the His and Her Guide video segment that Sam de Brito and Sam Brett (of the Sydney Morning Herald blog fame) filmed for Valentines Day. It was a predictable, kitsch couple of minutes worth of stock standard ‘romantic’ gift ideas. I didn’t really get anything from it but the urge to throw up. Boy Sam, a man more after my own heart managed to temper that of you must send flowers, make it to your love’s workplace but you should really try and personalise your offerings as much as possible. Girl Sam on the other hand was your quintessential female and reminded me of a puppy dog that craves attention. I’m sure that’s completely unfair but she professes to want chocolates and flowers and teddy bears and cards. She also can’t imagine anything better than being proposed to on Valentines Day.
Now there is nothing wrong with each of these ideas individually, well apart from proposing on Valentines Day, I think that’s terribly unimaginative and people who do it should be clocked over the head. The idea of all the other gifts, especially together though is a little twee. I wouldn’t actually be adverse to receiving flowers, food or some sort of stuffed animal but since I’m not big on roses, milk chocolate or tiny teddy bears, picking out something so generic for me would probably not inspire great heights of passion or favour on my part. As for cards, well there is something that just annoys me about them. Girl Sam seems to love them and would not mind receiving some poem or ditty inside (I’m guessing Roses are red, Violets are blue, I’m sorry I gave you Herpes Type II is not what she means). I, in comparison like to throw them out and would much prefer a letter to keep any day of the week.
I don’t know, maybe I’m too difficult or fussy or high-maintenance. And as they say, beggars can’t be choosers. I think however if you are going to make a gesture out of love or affection, there is something be said for knowing how your gesture will be received. Any bloke who uses the rationalisation ‘she’s a girl, she’ll like this’ might just deserve everything he gets, or doesn’t get.