Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Monday, November 01, 2004

What Women Do...

There are many women out there who claim to want the perfect gentleman. They’re sick of guys who are just trying to get into their pants and now only want to be ‘treated right’ by their companions. So the modern guy still needs to ring the doorbell, bring flowers, open the car door, allow you to enter through a doorway first, hold your chair out, compliment you and perhaps buy you dinner. The question I would like to pose, is what is it that we do in return? Let them?

I suppose there is a very obvious answer as to what might be expected but before people start jumping up and down to assert that not everyone expects it or that in fact it should never be expected, let me say this, I know. And I agree. But let me also suggest this if I may, if intimacy can be enjoyed by women as well as men, should it not be viewed as an advantage to both which then still leaves the question – if men are expected to make gestures of courtship, what is it that women do?

Traditionally, these gestures such as opening car doors and allowing you to enter somewhere ahead of your partner were merely considered to be polite social behaviour. It was not something men did for their partners alone but rather for all women, of any age. As women have become more independent however, and feminism more rampant, these expectations have become somewhat more relaxed leaving many confused and / or a little disappointed. By today’s standards, the gentleman of our grandparent’s generation is no longer your Average Joe and what’s more, he requires a conscious effort.

There are any number of things a guy can do to let his date know he is making an effort. I must admit, I was somewhat charmed when I was asked once what colour dress I was wearing so that my partner could match his tie. When pressed to think of the gestures I do or could make to a partner though, I came up a little short. I don’t mean to say that I make no effort in relationships or that I’d treat a boyfriend just as I would a sibling or a mate. I do give gifts and massages and cook special meals but what are the other little gestures that you do just to show that you care?

Then again, according to my friend, maybe now its all just a tradeoff for childbirth. If so, we seemed to get the raw deal on that one.


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