Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Friday, November 26, 2004

Another One Bites The Dust

I was in two minds on whether or not to post the following. It actually originated as an email entitled Ramblings Of An Unoccupied Mind aka Some Mindless Drivel For You. In the end I figured I really had nothing better...

Well. Another one bites the dust. Another perfectly good fantasy ruined. For weeks I've been indulging in the occasional daydream of running off into the sunset with one of the couriers who periodically comes into my work. I don't see him all that often but just enough to inspire a few sighs every now and then and that sort of self conscious 'not' looking at him. All while making sure that should he actually be looking at me, I am smiling and looking wildly desirable (or at least as close as I can get to that with my no doubt misguided notions of the world). Sometimes when he comes in, I do actually get to talk to him and do that very understated, casual type of flirting, that is probably really only considered 'flirting' cause we are actually around the same age. Its normally only a hi-how're you going-what's new kind of conversation but its enough to sustain the illusion that there must be some underlying substance to our 'relationship' that would blossom into...well something if only it were given half the chance.

But today, sadly, that chance was doomed to the wasteland of lost hopes and dreams. Today he happened to mention the dreaded 'g' word in very close proximity to (ie. next to) the word 'my'. The 'g' word of course being 'girlfriend'. So now I am bitterly disappointed and may well have to console myself with much hot chocolate. I mean, not only is this the loss of a good fantasy that I had been fostering for a while now, but where am I going to find another such likely candidate who will know my name and be happy to exchange 30 seconds of conversation every 30 days or so? Finding a man such as this is not as easy as it sounds my friends. Plus, if they are going to be daydream material, they also have to be attractive, intelligent (in an attractive type of way naturally) or incredibly wealthy (or all three of course). Not to mention taller. I am still quite comfortable in my hang ups about that one thankyou very much.

So yeah, in my distraught state, I was able to remember that a problem shared is a problem halved. Therefore I felt it was only right that I annoyed you all with it. And here I am. Aren't you glad? As you can see I still have a lot of time at work to be writing crap of the first caliber. I could be using this time to turn my energies towards finding solutions to my many problems but I thought I might need something to do tomorrow.

I hope you're having a pleasant day. Please disregard pretty much all of the above (the last sentence is probably ok though).


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