Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Boys Conference

When I was in high school, instead of a year 10 camp, we got Girls’ Conference and Boys’ Conference. Basically an excuse for them to split up the sexes and get candid about some of the things we should know in life. We all learnt about sex and drugs (and a little about rock n’ roll for good measure), the girls got deportment lessons and the boys…well, apparently they learnt how to pick up chicks. I have it on good authority that the school counsellor was a veritable fountain of information.

Amongst the gems he is said to have imparted, it was reported that he passed on some vital statistics. Nine times out of ten, if you approach a girl and ask her to sleep with you, she’ll knock you back (or slap your face), but that tenth time…Charming right? Whether or not this actually happened though, there are plenty of males out there offering advice on attracting, seducing and sleeping with women. I’m not sure whether this does more harm than good but I have to say, it can be educational.

One of the things I recently stumbled across was the ‘Oxytocin Response’. Oxytocin is a powerful sex hormone that facilitates the ability to bond with others and promotes a feeling of well-being. Induced largely by touch, it requires estrogen to work I think, but has the result of increasing a woman’s testosterone levels. This makes her much more susceptible to the power of touch than a man and also more inclined to participate in physical intimacy when she is touched. So I’m sure some ladies will be happy to know there is actually scientific evidence in favour of foreplay. The article glossed over this bit though.

I found this information in a short piece that also claimed that it was critically important to physically touch a woman early on in a seduction. The author then went on to explain how to use touch to ‘reliably get laid’. I can’t say I thought much of this but I suppose it’s no better (or no worse) than half of that crap you read in women’s magazines at the moment. I would say this though to any guys who would take it as gospel, if you touch a woman who consciously or even sub-consciously does not wish to be touched, you are more likely to inspire a reaction opposite to the one for which you’d hoped.

For all those who have ever been on the receiving end of the ‘instant ewwww’, a topic I might have to explore in a later post, you will know that it’s a very hard thing to get past. Changing anyone’s mind after they’ve made it up is not usually a trivial thing. On the other hand, if everything is going well, I’d have to say think for yourself and if it feels right, go with it.


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