Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What's Your Line?

As far as most pick-up lines go, ‘I love your lips, they look so soft and kissable’ is rather tame but I would like to know what it was doing on a list of ‘surefire opening lines when meeting single women’. I think you’d need to be very sure of yourself if you were going to deliver that line. Either that or the person you were delivering it to would need to be very drunk. But maybe that’s just my opinion. Just as I think it wouldn’t be a winning strategy to tell a woman you love her hair and ask where she gets it done in the first two minutes. She might think you were gay.

So what lines do actually work? Well as I am sure you are all aware, there isn’t a clear-cut answer to that question (although there are some who believe otherwise). Occasionally, the most outrageous lines can be effective merely because it is unexpected that you would actually use them seriously. I can’t say I’d personally go for ‘is that a mirror in your pocket because I keep seeing myself in your pants’ but I would probably crack a smile. Likewise for a few of the corny lines out there. The first time I heard ‘was it love at first sight or should I walk past again’ I had to laugh.

There are numerous lines out there from the kitsch to the crude. I’ve heard a guy say ‘you’ve made my heart melt like hot fudge on a sundae’, and another use ‘you must work for Subway cause you’ve just given me a foot-long’ (thank God that wasn’t actually used on me though). I guess I have personally been picked up with ‘so, do you come here often’ but the guy knew it was a cliché before he said it and it was said kind of tongue-in-cheek. Does that make it better? So I’m not really sure where I’m going with this but I just thought I’d write about and have a laugh at a few pickup lines.

I think there’s actually a lot of good stuff out there. There are some lines that are clever and others that are quite funny. Of course the delivery is just as important as the line itself (if not more so), which just complicates the whole matter. But no one ever said life was easy did they? Relaxed humour is usually the best way to catch someone’s attention though and I recently overheard these, which I thought were amusing. ‘I don’t know what you think of me but I sure hope its x-rated’ and a line delivered as the girl was leaving, ‘Hey, aren’t you forgetting something?’, she: ‘What?’, him: ‘Me!’.


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