Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Slow News Day

I suppose I should have tried to back date this post as it now seems rather inacurate but oh well.

Well I have to say that there is not really much to say at the moment. Despite spending part of my weekend in Bondi and Oxford Street, things have been relatively quiet. Or perhaps that was relatively comfortable. I had a long overdue catch up with the Italian Man and Nature Girl and also Mr Flatmate and as I have recently found out, his now fiancée. We ate, drank and were merry and its always nice when you can go out with couples and not feel like the third wheel. It doesn’t necessarily stop you from looking at them and hoping you can find something similar but I think an enjoyable evening was had by all.

A few other people joined us that evening as well and we each caught up on the comings and goings of everyone else (whether we knew them or not) and just let the evening flow. I believe we did start out with grand plans for a massive pub crawl but somehow bums got planted on seats, additional rounds were ordered and we forgot to migrate. We were all enjoying talking about everything and nothing, from wedding plans to racing around town with giant inflatable dinosaurs. As you do. There was of course the almost obligatory recap on my dating prospects or lack thereof as well.

Fortunately or not (whichever way you want to look at it really), I actually had something to report this time. I had pretty much decided this week that it was all past tense but the night managed to put a positive spin on the end of it for me. I just needed to hear a ‘yeah, right on, you deserve more than that’ this week and funnily enough that came from the Italian Man. Sometimes I probably do need to be told that I should just chill out and give things more of a go but sometimes I just want to pander to the girl part of me that doesn’t want anyone else to solve my problems or offer advice but to just listen instead. And I know there is no logic to that but thats women for you.

As an aside I would like to point out here that there was nothing inherently bad about the so called ‘dating prospect’ (or the experience as a whole). It was just that whilst he ticked a lot of the right boxes, the ‘it’ factor was just missing (I am assuming for him too as he didn’t contact me either). That connection that has you wishing you could share something with them to find out what they think, or wondering how soon you can talk to them again just wasn’t there. My only wondering about someone else at the moment, and its more curiosity than anything else I think (inspired by something else entirely), has actually been directed towards someone else. Hardly a good sign really when you think about it.

And speaking of that someone else, I just thought you’d like to know that in my effort to get in touch with this person again I got to feel like a prize knob by exhibiting behaviour which seemed unfortunately stalkerish. After calling an old work place to be totally fobbed off by the wicked bitch of the west (‘well if you are a friend I can only assume he will be calling you’), I rang seemingly random numbers in the phone book till I located his parents. Sad but true. You may commence laughing. Now who says I don’t know how to have fun?


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