Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

It's All In The Cards

I guess most people would say it serves me right for looking up internet tarot websites during working hours but even so…did the answers have to be so depressing? All three times?? Seeing as I’m a little occupationally challenged at work at the moment, I have been trying to fill in my days and ended up on a tarot website. Here, you entered your name, your question, chose your tarot deck and also chose how it was dealt.

I actually ended up using two different decks. I’m not sure what difference this is supposed to make - cause apparently it didn’t make any. I also managed to do one without a name so the reading was for ‘anonymous’. Everything else was the same though. The question, will I meet my perfect match this year (a predictable but important question I felt) and the reading layout, the relationship.

Ok. So its kind of tacky and it's pointless to take it seriously but after I clicked the free reading button for the first time, I went back and did it again cause I didn’t like the answer. The others merely appeared to be variations on a theme. Apparently I think of myself in quite a flattering light. Strong, loyal, caring etc. but the way my partner sees me and the way they think of me were not exactly what you’d call positive.

I know I don’t actually have a perfect match / partner / boyfriend / whatever at the moment but given that in any relationship, how your other half sees you is somewhat important it was hardly encouraging. Apparently I am conceited, jealous, pessimistic, prone to deceit, domineering, inclined to be callous and any number of other unattractive traits. I am not taking this all word for word by the way but you get the drift. I think I’m great and everyone else thinks I’m a heartless bitch.

So it appears I need to work on a few things. Either that or I need to get a life and not pay attention to internet websites laying claim to divination abilities. I mean, common sense tells you that it’s all a load of bollocks. Even if you do believe in the mystic, you’d know that a tarot reading was pretty worthless if you’d never even touched the deck. That being the case, I guess I’ll have to look elsewhere for my answers. Anyone got one of those decision dice…?


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