Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Friday, February 11, 2005

Its All Gone To The Dogs

Most of us know the proper name for a female dog and most of us have probably heard a man being described as the son of one at one time or another. One could therefore argue however, that the son was then indeed also a dog and I’ve heard it suggested that if more women thought along these lines then they might be a lot happier. Let me explain what I mean.

Owning a dog is a big responsibility. You must ensure that they are always fed and looked after and that that they have enough to entertain them so they don’t start chewing up your belongings. You must give them love and affection and be aware for example, that it is unfair to try and keep a large dog in a small apartment. Having a dog is also a commitment that is both financial and emotional and one you should take most seriously.

When you are choosing a dog, you will often have a breed preference in mind beforehand and usually, this has as much if not more to do with temperament as with looks. A Labrador may be desired as they are a somewhat placid family type dog but some do have a tendency to stray or explore strange duck fetishes in a park I’ve heard. Golden Retrievers occasionally have difficulty with the word no and I have seen Chihuahuas be verbally abusive and territorial. German Shepherds on the other hand are intelligent, energetic and loyal but require a lot of energy to keep up with them.

There is also the consideration of whether you lean more towards the mongrel or the purebred. If at all possible, it is wise to make a home visit before you commit as they do say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. By observing how a dog acts and adapts to strangers however, you may get a feel for their nature. You must be mindful though, that if you are going for a more mature dog as a companion, rather than a new puppy, it is a widely held belief that you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks.

So whether you’re after a lap dog, a working dog, a family dog or maybe even a guard dog, it is not really a decision you should make lightly. When taking on the responsibility, you should identify what your preferences are early on and be prepared to offer a good home. When treated well, the dog is man’s best friend and it should never be preferable to give him away to a new home. For the dog or for the owner. And that’s about all I have to say really. Btw, does anyone even believe this junk?!?


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