Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Monday, March 28, 2005

Tell Me Something I Don't Know

In the Canberra Times this week, one of their Front Up columnists was writing about the fact that women often lament the lack of decent guys out there when there are actually plenty. Or rather the author was a little offended cause he was a nice guy (apparently he knows how to cook, clean and treat a girl with respect) and he feels that a select few are giving guys like him a bad name. Or something like that. I didn’t actually have a problem with anything he’d written and I think he did have a point but I just wanted to say tell me something I don’t know Mr Nice Guy.

I am aware that there are heaps of great guys out there. I am. I know there are guys who have been brought up knowing how to pull their fair share of the housework. I have met others who seem to have an innate sense of chivalry that gives me hope and I’m sure that guys are capable of feeling more for a woman than simply the desire to get her naked. What I don’t know, is how to meet them. Or where. Is there some great, untapped source smarter girls are keeping a secret from me?

I’ve heard guys say that while they’re quite happy to perve on a female who is scantily clad, they do not necessarily want to date her. Many people are also sick of the nightclub circuit and look for some sort of emotional connection (or at least a sign of intelligence) before they hook up with someone. In addition I have been told that some guys would find a woman reading in a café attractive but let me ask you this, how many guys would actually approach a female in this situation? I have always equated having my nose stuck in a book to having ‘bugger off’ tattooed on my forehead.

This may just have been my personal experience though. I may always have been in the wrong place at the wrong time but like so many other women, I’d really like to get everything ‘Right’ for once, including the Mr. It has been suggested that the way to meet potential dates is to seek out like minded individuals by doing something you actually enjoy. By joining a social club or enrolling in a course you put yourself in the path of others but is this really the best way?

Where is it that you find all the nice guys? How do you meet someone genuine who will mesh with you so well that you’ll swear you were made for each other? I guess everyone who’s out there searching is looking for the quick fix. We pursue those opportunities open to us that we’re comfortable pursuing and hope that we’ll meet ‘the one’. I read articles and talk to people as well, taking all their advice on board, but I must admit that I’m getting to the point where I think I’d appreciate something I could actually use. You know?


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