The Clothes Make The Man

They do say that the clothes maketh the man but I have recently been wondering if they can ‘unmake’ the man as well. Or maybe whether there is certain amount of truth to the idea that for some people to ‘get it together’ so to speak, they really need to just ‘get a haircut and get a real job’. These musings come to mind as one of my housemates recently decided to chop off half his hair, the top half that is, to sport that oh so fashionable 80’s hairstyle affectionately known as the ‘mullet’. It was definitely a chop rather than a cut (although I am assuming he did actually use a mirror) and the experience for the house has been rather amusing as he tried it on for size – and took it out for a joyride.
My housemate, who has now earned himself the moniker of Porn Star Wannabe in my opinion, is one of the nicest guys I know. Within the house at least, après le mullet, he was also in the running to become one of the filthiest. It was almost as if the hairstyle gave him carte blanche to use a scratchy voice, make suggestive comments and leer in a rather overt manner. And possibly to lean over others and run around the house showing off in boxer shorts when the mood struck. Now this was all in jest I know. Well, the bits that were over and above the norm anyway. It wasn’t intended to be serious, or to offend and I found it more entertaining than disturbing really. It did make me wonder though.
What is it about ‘costumes’ that allow us to adopt a different personality or alternate character traits and can it actually work to your disadvantage? Its probably fairly obvious that a full on costume allows one to assume another identity or afford oneself a measure of anonymity (and therefore freedom) but what about the more subtle changes? Do you behave any different when you’re in professional business dress to when you’re in your daggiest house clothes? If a haircut can bring out the inner Porn Star Wannabe in you then what do the rest of your outfits do? Popular psychologists will tell you that if you look good, then you feel good and if you feel good then you’ll seem more attractive.
It sounds good in theory but its possibly not so easy in practice. Some people have a real talent for buying clothes. They can walk into any op shop and come out looking fantastic whereas others may spend up big on designer labels and practically fade into the background. I’m not really going anywhere with this. I’m not a shopping guru who can advise on the perfect outfit. I have learnt what not to buy for myself, which is at least half the battle I think and hope that I manage to look good with what I do end up in. If anything though I guess I would have to say that a good haircut can be an investment and its worthwhile finding one that suits.
And just in case you were wondering, PSW’s mullet has now gone back to where it belongs – in the trash.