Aversion Therapy

Well recently, I have been trying to take my mind off things that I don’t want to think about. I have been out to lunch a few times with men (although I was related to one of them and totally the wrong gender for the other so its not quite as exciting). I have been out to a museum and a movie, I have hosted a ‘Bring Your Own Beef’ at The Mansion and I have been out for drinks with mixed company. On the plus side I once again participated in (or was the recipient of) much kissing, butt pinching and arse slapping (often an amusing pastime with the right person), sadly however, on the occasion in question it was all platonic and meant to go nowhere. Not that I actually wanted it to go anywhere, because I didn’t, but it might have been nice if there was something else that could’ve gone somewhere. You know? Maybe not.
As far as distractions go however, these were effective but only temporarily so. With the rest of my time I have been going with the theory that if I tire myself out then I won’t have the energy to think about stupid stuff. The most I seem to have gotten out of this is more muscle tone. Which in and of itself is actually a benefit anyway. Still, there is definitely nothing exciting to report and I am hanging out till my sister, the Pussycat, comes to stay. We have a plan to go out and potentially meet people. Whether we actually end up meeting anyone or not isn’t actually the point. Its more about doing stereotypically social things that other young, single, stupid and alcoholic people our age do, ie. putting ourselves in situations where we could easily meet people.
So maybe that activity will actually net something interesting to talk about and stop me returning to the fact that what I want and what I can have are sometimes two very different things. Not to mention the fact that what I want and what I think I want are also sometimes two very different things. I do try to keep these particular occurrences to a minimum as they tend to confuse the crap out of anyone for whom they become obvious but nobody’s perfect. Which reminds me of two things, the quote by Ashleigh Brilliant, ‘I may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent’ (I rather like that) and the song I’m Just A Girl (which I actually heard again the other day). Neither of which are particularly significant, I just thought I’d share.
Anyway, before I get to the weekend of fun and childish larks that my sibling and I will embark upon together, there is the long weekend to fill. Assuming some other individuals do not bail, pike or otherwise act like total pansies, I should be occupied for most of it. I may even try to write more. To be honest over the past couple of weeks, anything I’d have written would probably have sounded pathetically whiny and even I get sick of the sound of my own voice. Just as I get sick of other people. I swear, whenever I read the comments on the SATC blog there seems to be an inordinate amount of trash talking between the sexes. Of course, I could just stop reading it but sometimes it is nice to remind myself that there are people out there with way bigger problems than me.