Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Friday, June 17, 2005

Na-Na, Na-Na, Na-Na, Na-Na…

Batman! Batman Begins even. I saw the latest one last night. You know, the one with Christian Bale and Katie Holmes. The one where there’s hardly any interaction, let alone chemistry, between the male and female lead until the last five minutes (in my opinion anyway). The one where an unlucky child turns himself into the caped crusader and runs around impersonating a winged rodent (well sort of) so he can beat up bad people.

I liked it. It was a nice diversion for a couple of hours with some mega-bucks worth of special effects thrown in and some nice scenery. Mr Bale himself was not exactly hard on the eyes (which was part of his job really) and the unconscious Katie Holmes was apparently a high point in the movie for some of the male viewers. As I said though, this adaptation of the popular comic wasn’t exactly forthcoming with a believable dynamic between the male and female principles.

Apparently we are supposed to believe that a close childhood friendship followed by long years of separation (during which time one character was notably hardened), could end in a deep attraction. Seemingly because they crossed each others paths again I suppose. Of course she was idealistic and he was a hero so it must be a match made in heaven right? She doesn’t need to know where he’s been for years on end, or even how he feels it seems.

She also doesn’t appear to be at all put out that he just puts her off whenever he feels like it. He may as well be patting her on the head and telling her not to worry her pretty little self about everything. Trust me, I used to be a brain surgeon - or something like that. Ok, I’ know I’m being a bit cynical here but isn’t true love supposed to have a bit more fireworks? I don’t think explosions are quite the same thing. But then again, this movie was not about that relationship so perhaps that’s too harsh.

In the interest of keeping a movie entertaining, fast paced and cohesive, certain things need to be sacrificed for the greater good. I don’t need to know why she thinks he’s the ants pants or to see her character ‘understand’ his. I just need to suspend all belief to see that as a woman, if I too am righteous, I will find my own hero. There may be problems and I may have to wait in line but well, just like my hair - it won’t happen overnight but it will happen, right? So overall I give the movie a thumbs up but was it a totally fulfilling experience? No, I have to wait for the sequel.


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