Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Tips For Investors

In today’s fast paced world, it is not only money but also time that has become a precious commodity. Knowing how to spend both wisely and to the best effect is something that every Sydney Metrosexual should know in order to maximise all the available opportunities. In ‘love’ as in life, maintaining your best interests should be uppermost in your mind. Getting a low return for your investment is never going to be a priority in business so why would it be in a relationship? In order to secure your success however, one should always have one eye on the big picture. The following are some tips and tricks to be aware of in order to ensure that you remain at an advantage in the competitive marketplace.

Whether you are talking about a Certificate of Deposit or a Casual Date, one should always be aware of when the CD matures. People who are successful in life are often those who plan and have goals. They enter into things well advised and rarely indefinitely. Understanding the terms of your CD in advance is common sense. As such, you should also investigate any call features. If the issuing party reserves the right to ‘call’ or terminate the CD due to falling interest rates for example, you may find yourself having to shop for a new one with a lower rate of return. It is important therefore to understand the difference between call features and maturity in order to accurately assess both the risk and potential reward for this type of investment.

Another word of advice when considering the acquisition of a CD is to research any penalties for early withdrawal. Whilst this may not seem like a possibility at the outset, there may be external factors that will later affect your decision. The consequences of such a decision might involve heavy losses in one form or another or serious repercussions that could compromise your ability to achieve future success. To be forewarned is to be forearmed as they say so when shopping for the right CD it is beneficial to thoroughly check out the broker. The Sydney Bank of Pretentious Princesses and Posers for example, although offering seemingly attractive packages, may not be able to offer viable options for the discerning investor.

Once you have identified an opportunity that you wish to pursue however, you should confirm the interest rate you’ll receive and how you’ll be paid. In any negotiation or business arrangement, it is essential that both parties are fully aware of the conditions involved in fulfilling the contract. Any variables should noted prior to commitment so it is wise to enquire whether the interest rate ever changes. All these tips are designed to prevent a negative result on any potential investments and the more they are taken to heart the more ingrained they should become. Of course, there are traps for the unwary but if you are astute and calculating in your decision making process, you will not be taken in by imitations.

As a basic rule of thumb, don’t buy stocks or other investments pitched to you over the telephone and be suspicious if a salesperson promises a spectacular rate of return. A CD is generally considered a low-risk investment however one should always be aware of the full ramifications of a decision involving cherished time and money. CD’s also have the added advantage of possible reinvestment at a later date. Once maturity has been reached, it may be attractive to enter into such an agreement again although as many seasoned investors will tell you never put all your eggs in one basket.


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