Nothing To Write Home About

I remember being at a party once and talking to a girl about looking for a job. Well, actually, she was probably more a young woman than a girl but I was suitably surprised at the time by what she said. She claimed to be quite fussy about the work she wanted but pretty much announced that whatever she did take up, it couldn’t be a long term sort of endeavour as she intended to get married and have children in the near future. Now this in itself is not so strange. What surprised me was that she also wanted to know if there were any suitable men around that could enable her to do this as well.
Now call me a snob but at the time that rubbed me up the wrong way. Actually, as I look back on it now, theres still something about it that doesn’t sit quite right with me. For an old-fashioned girl (sort of) who is also a hopeless romantic, I do have some very strong ideas about what one should ‘expect’ from life and what they should do in order to get it. I’ve actually got nothing against women staying at home full time and raising families if that is what they wish. I think society needs women who want to do this but I also think we need people who want to do it for the right reasons.
But who am I to say what those reasons are, or even that someone else’s reasons may not be good enough? People develop as they go through situations anyway. I was thinking the other day about how my outlook is slightly different now to what it was before. I was reflecting on the whole life partner / family thing with a girlfriend recently and we both thought it was almost scary how ok we would be with the idea of getting married and having children in the near future. I’d like to point out here that neither of us were planning on it at all (my mum can rest easy) but unlike our other girlfriends who absolutely do not want kids and the rest of it right now, we would go with the flow.
Apart from the fact that I can’t really imagine what sort of person might consider that they could put up with me permanently, I think I could handle the ‘for better or worse’ deal though. The ‘for richer or poorer’ and ‘in sickness and in health’ part too. Even if it can be terribly unappealing at times. I have to say that I was not looking much like a prime candidate this last weekend, that’s for sure. During an incredibly uncomfortable bout of food poisoning, there were colours and smells I really don’t want to become acquainted with again in the near future and as I lay curled up on the bathroom floor, the last word anyone would have used to describe me was attractive.
But till such time as someone is dumb enough, sorry that was lucky enough to go out with me however, I am going to pursue the funky single thing. Well, once I figure out what it is anyway. And it shall be glorious. I might also try to locate my missing mojo too. What do you reckon?