Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I Don't Date By Proxy

You know when you first start realising that the opposite sex is different from you but kind of cool at the same time? The distinction between that of a friend and a boyfriend or girlfriend suddenly becomes terribly important, as does the acquiring of said boyfriend or girlfriend. For some of us, that happens in primary school and what occasionally ensues is a rather bizarre network of friends that actually allow you to carry on a quasi-meaningful relationship - without ever having to in fact talk to the other person let alone hold their hand. That’s kind of sweet in its own weird and quixotic way. When you’re ten. Trouble is though that some people don’t quite grow out of that.

When I was in high school I had the rather amusing experience (in hindsight at least) of being asked out by someone I didn’t know. Although to be perfectly honest, he didn’t actually ask me out, The Messenger did. We were all away on a school camp when I was approached by a classmate. ‘Hey, you know The Button?’. ‘No’. ‘Yeah you do. That guy who hangs around with Mr Pot? The Button?’. ‘Ah...No’. ‘Oh. Well he really likes you and wants to know if you’d like to go out with him.’. I suggested that since I didn’t know who he was let alone what he looked like, my answer was not going to be a resounding 'yes' and that maybe he’d like to, you know, talk to me sometime. He later did talk to me but what I didn’t realise was that there was a queue of people outside the food tent we were in, passing updates down the line and stopping anyone else from entering. I was a tad embarrassed by that.

Now I will admit to my fair share of neurotic preoccupation with how my personal relationships do and do not work out but I try to stay away from involving absolutely everybody else in my dramas. I select one or two people and just annoy them stupid instead. No seriously, I dislike actually asking mutual friends and acquaintances things like ‘Do you think he likes me?’ or ‘Has he said anything about me?’. If anything, I think I’m more likely to go up to a guy and say ‘My friend wants to know if you think I’m cute’ than ask my friend to find out for me. When something is truly bugging me, I will usually go for the more direct approach. There is someone who can attest to the fact that I sat them down in a shopping centre once and rather eloquently asked ‘So whats the go?’. Not one of my finer moments perhaps but it did the job.

So on the whole I’m not a big fan of managing my relationships via proxy. I’m more a believer in direct communication. As in if I can’t communicate with them myself, theres probably not a lot of point in trying to pursue something anyway. Of course, that having been said, it should also be noted that I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve and I rarely if ever make the first move. That does make things kinda difficult but no one ever said life was going to be easy.


At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as always an interesting perspective. I have to say though that getting a friend to do a bit of a preliminary investigation can save some embarrassing moments. during the course of the relationship though I agree direct is best.

also, I think that you probably got the worst side of me if you only read that one entry. I’m not saying I’m not weird as fuck, I am, but try to understand before you judge. if you care (and I think you might considering the connection) read the entry from the 2nd of feb '06, 'Love, lust and consequences'. if you do and you're still worried then fair enough, but its a little harsh to base a perspective of someone on one of the worst moments of their life.

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Gauchegirl said...

To reply to gonzodoc, the entry you mentioned was actually how I realised what the connection was in the first place. In terms of judgement however, would it also not seem harsh to make assumptions based on what one has only heard second or even third hand?

I'm not sure what you actually have heard but I don't claim to be any better than anyone else and nor am I worried, for the Pussycat or the Bear. I'm sorry if you've felt that I was judging you, and unfairly at that, so know that I never meant to give the impression I was.

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fair call, i did hear it 3rd hand and possibly assumed wrong; please feel free to enlighten me as to what actually happened. because the impression that i got was that you had doubts about the friends of the bear (i haven’t heard that nickname before, very appropriate i must say), so much so as to warrant a phone call. i, well actually we, deduced that said worry would most likely have occurred after the reading of 'one of the worst moments of my life'. the comment that was made was that it was now 'all good', so i figured that it must have been sorted out.

p.s. if you have time and you are reading could you drop me a post occasionally? i like knowing that im not shouting at a brick wall.


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