Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I Have A Job To Do

Given the previous posts, it seems fitting to tell you now that I have a job to do. Actually I have several but firstly I will say that I actually have a ‘new job’. An opportunity found me a couple of weeks ago and I resigned from the position I have been filling for the last twenty months. Friday was my final day so I am currently what some might call unemployed. Or you might say I was actually working for two companies at the same time depending on how you look at it but I like to think of myself as unemployed. This does not however mean I have nothing to do.

I remember when I was applying for my first jobs and I managed to find employment within about a week. At the time I felt it was almost too easy and I had done nothing to deserve it. My father sat me down however and explained that I had actually been preparing for that moment for a good ten years. He felt that all my good grades and development of communication skills etc were like the groundwork and that I had in fact worked very hard to be awarded that job. That kind of stuck with me I guess. As did a comment I heard on a Compass special that I happened to see on tv one night.

As I was flicking over the channels one evening, I came across an ABC special on abstinence and saving yourself for marriage. A range of people were talking on the subject and the ‘no sex’ message was very much linked with discussions on the need to build a strong relationship and what that might entail. The thing that clicked for me though was when one of the men said that we spend so much time trying to find Mr or Mrs Right that we never consider whether we could be that person for somebody else. In a consumer driven society we often expect other people to just fit us as we are without any compromise on our part. If we were more concerned with being an ideal rather than looking for one however, we’d be much better off.

Of course ‘ideal’ is a rather subjective term. Theres different strokes for different folks of course and we all know that nobody is perfect but if we tried to be better then maybe some things would be easier. Which brings me back to my point about having a job to do. I may not be dating anyone right now (in other words I am not), and I may not be dating anyone in the near future either (a rather distinct possibility) but I do share my life (and indeed my house) with other people so I really owe it to those around me to be the best person I can be. And if its meant to be, I’ll attract the people who are best for me.


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