How To Lose A Girl In Ten Ways

Many of us are familiar with the movie How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days. Maybe not everyone has actually seen it because lets face it, a lot of people don’t really go in for the whole hearts and flowers genre of romantic comedy. It was a cute chick flick however that was widely advertised and it did good things for sales of ladies eveningwear in yellow. It also gently brought up the topic of things women do in relationships that more often than not produce negative consequences. They were portrayed in the typical Hollywood fashion which was over the top of course but it may still have made a few women think. It made me think – about the reverse.
I can easily see how a girl might get rid of a guy (whether she means to or not). Once that obsessive compulsive cupboard gets opened for instance there could well be a rush for the back door but what happens when a girl just won’t let go? Or more to the point, what do guys do when they are not man enough to break things off themselves? I am female and on behalf of my suffering sisters I am allowed to be biased here. As some people might have experienced, there are guys who find it easier getting the woman to do the dumping. And wouldn’t you know it, if you were wondering on exactly how one might accomplish that, there are sources on the internet that can tell you. Just
The suggestions I read actually started off with a warning. It was strongly recommended that you first gauge your subject’s personality prior to trying anything out. Just in case they were they type of person who saw problems as 'projects' and would want to help you work through them. Assuming that the soon-to-be ex was not in need of getting their head read however (and that you didn’t find that so patronising that you couldn’t read on), they had the following to say…Hang with her girlfriends. The tactic here apparently is to make her feel unloved, unwanted and insignificant. That’s certainly a one way to start I guess, and that was only number ten. The next was let yourself go. Which is also self-explanatory really, with just a touch of poetic justice if it worked.
From there it moved on to be a bad date and become what women ‘want’. These were about appearing incompatible and discouraging all desire to be around each other. If she likes going out, break dates to watch football on tv and if she craves communication, share every single feeling with her, call her constantly, get emotional on her and simply smother her. Like she wouldn’t suddenly find that odd? But if that doesn’t work you can always bring out the kink or perhaps start stupid fights (a lot of them I assume). They suggest attacking things she has pride in. I personally would suggest growing up but that is obviously not the point. The next point was start the ‘talk’.
It is considered opinion that when women dump their boyfriends they couch it gently in long-winded explanations. If you can get the head start on this however and be ambiguous to boot, she might just get sick of it first. If that doesn’t work, you can always compare her to your mother. Unfavourably. That will most probably tick her off but if its not enough, utter the F-word. And just to be clear here, they weren’t talking about swearing (although who would want that?), they were talking about ‘fat’. Pot shots on a girl’s weight never go down well. If however she is strong and you want to show her exactly how much she doesn’t deserve you, there is always the option to cheat on her. Like that will solve more problems than it creates. Its just great what you can find on the internet these days isn’t it?
So ladies, just a word to the wise, if your guy is acting weird, make sure he’s not running down the list. And guys who think these ideas are great, what I wish for you is not repeatable in polite conversation.