Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Stellar Saturday

Well I must say that I had a pretty good weekend. The Pussycat was up staying with me for a couple of days and we managed to go out and hit the town. Since celebrating my actual birthday with friends and family this year was not really a possibility, we decided to celebrate last Saturday instead. Just the two of us. We headed down to Cockle Bay where we sat by the water and enjoyed a great meal, my sister marvelling at just how much food I can put away when I’m hungry. We caught the fireworks display for the Dove Pink Star Walk, the charity event to raise awareness for breast cancer where a LOT of people were dressed in pink and quite a few were wearing bras on the outside of their clothes. We also ended up checking out a few bars from Bungalow 8 down at the waters edge to Orbit high up at the top of Sydney’s skyline.

There was a pretty good vibe out all round and everyone seemed to be having a good time. The races had been on earlier in the day so there were a lot of men in suits and women in cocktail dresses and fascinators. Actually, by the end of the night, there were a number of men in fascinators too. The crowds out were really cruisy though and we did in fact meet a few people. I ran into my old neighbour who is as lovely as she is gorgeous and I met a man I’ll call Bob who was kind of cute and wanted to know if my sister and I were Brazilian. I’m not sure if that was a line or not. A lot of people do actually ask me about my ancestry, although most assume I’m Italian or Greek. I am actually neither (not so as you’d actually count it) and often explain in my most ocker accent (think Steve Irwin) that I’m an Aussie born and bred.

Anyway, I sincerely doubt that I will be seeing Bob again (based on the fact that there was no details swap and on such a short acquaintance I’m not sure I’d recognise him even if I did see him) but it got me thinking about how you meet people at clubs. For most people it is still hard to just approach others and introduce yourself. If you read some of the advice columns around though, you can contrive a reason easily enough. You can stalk them as they go to the bar, you can “bump” into them or you could use a supposed bet as a pretext to ask them a question and begin a conversation. I’m obviously feeling a bit half-arsed towards the whole dating scene at the moment though cause that just seems like hard work to me. I mean if it comes naturally then that’s fine but to consciously think about it and go out and do it on purpose…right now I think I’ll pass.

I think I might pass on trying to figure out some actions of others too come to think of it. What is the deal when you’re talking to two girls and then announce that you and one of your mates are now going to do a lap of the room but as another other mate approaches, you leave them behind? I’m still not sure whether we were set up, looked over or merely overlooked in the end.

*BTW, I rather shamelessly stole the photo of a Star Walk entrant but I’m not sure who took it.


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