Down The Aisle...

A singluar focus on my life in Sydney. I was "single", then I became "engaged" and now I'm married - but thats another story...

Friday, February 18, 2005

Dancing Queens

There are some things that are almost too stupid for words. And I say ‘almost’ cause I thought I’d talk about this one. It’s the response to the question of why dancing is so important to women that I found on the net. The author felt that women dance because their bodies are more elastic and they revel more easily in their emotional energy. Dance also apparently enables them to connect on a deeper level with their partners as they can judge how much they are valued and appreciated by a male who dances with them. Huh?

The response also stated that any awkwardness on the male’s part would count for little next to an obvious enjoyment of being near a woman on the dance floor. Sure. Whatever you reckon buddy. And I do believe this had to have been written by a guy. I’m sure that no self respecting woman could ever say that they found dancing exciting because when someone wants to dance with them, the interest lights up their inner feelings of glee.

The author did have some ideas that I thought were a little more on track. To start dancing with someone is, I think, a statement to everyone present that you find them attractive. I also think that it’s easy for a woman to be playful and to use dance as an opportunity to find out if a man can return the gesture. I don’t however think that dance is a ticket to ride. For some it’s more an opportunity to crash and burn.

If you’ve ever been to a nightclub and watched guys dance up to various women you will know that it’s not always successful. Believe it or not, some women are quite happy dancing by themselves and do not ‘require’ a partner to have a good time. Some women don’t like being grabbed or manhandled when a guy decides to try out his Patrick Swayze imitation and some women find it frustrating when its obvious that the person they are dancing with is hearing a completely different rhythm in their head.

And then there are those women who really don’t like to dance. I’d have to say that I’m not actually one of them but I have a few friends who can think of nothing worse than going out to pubs, clubs or parties where their only other option to participating would be watching. Something they'd find equally as unpleasant. Whether or not you enjoy dancing though, it is undoubtedly an integral part of today’s dating culture and something I think we have all done at one time or another. The trick is however, to find someone who does it like you do - whether that means cutting up the floor or sneaking out the back door.


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