
Have you ever had the experience where you’ve pulled up at the lights or are crawling along slowly in traffic and you look over to see an extremely attractive driver in the car next to you? Have you ever thought I wish I could just catch their attention and say hi? Well if you can hold your horses for a bit, it may actually be possible. In both the States and some parts of Europe, the phenomenon of Jamtexting is already taking off and this has to be one of the weirdest things I’ve heard all week.
Apparently the idea is that motorists can register free, submitting their number plate and mobile phone details. They are then given a number to which they can send messages and if the intended recipients are also members then the messages will be forwarded on. If on the other hand a recipient is not a member, their message will be stored indefinitely and revealed to them should they eventually choose to join. So this all sounds great in theory. Its yet another way for us singles to hook up in our increasingly frenetic lifestyles but I do wonder if its all its cracked up to be.
For starters, its obvious that if the object of your attention is either unregistered or uninterested then you’ve wasted your money. Its not like other dating services where you may be guaranteed to actually meet people or where it is likely that you’ll get some sort of response if you initiate contact. You are also, technically, unable to be sure that people are driving their own cars (although if they are that may be a deciding factor for you) or that they will receive the message in the very near future. You do I suppose get to see people in the flesh so to speak, rather than going off of a photo first but there are other things to consider.
Jamtexting is the sort of thing that could be seen as hip and fun and it is definitely a novel approach to the dating game at the moment. I can definitely think of better things however, than numerous drivers dividing their attention between actually driving a car and checking out the talent on the road. And spotting the driver is the easy part. Once you have actually identified someone you’d like to make contact with, you then have to find a way to see their numberplate which may be easier said than done. You may quite literally have to pursue someone, which in turn may actually create other issues.
Ignoring the possible dangers of weaving in and out of traffic to catch another car (and the idea that this is ok), you will have to find a way of noting down their numberplate, because odds on, you are not someone with a photographic memory. Whether this is on your actual mobile or on a piece of paper, it takes your attention from the road, as does sending an sms if you choose to strike while your iron is hot. As we all know, mobile phones and drivers have never been a match made in heaven so this new gimmick could add up to accidents waiting to happen. It sure does give new meaning to hitting on someone though.